Top 10k strings from Gyron - Arena (1985)(Firebird Software).tzx
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22 :::::::::::::::::::: 4 CCCCCCCCCCCC 2 Gyron P 2 2@~2A~2C~2B~ 2 *1i#V"1i= 2 ##6W#####: 1 {wspmjgda_]ZXVTSQONLKIHFEDCB@?>=<;::98776544321100/..--,,++**))((''&&&%%%$$$####"""!!! 1 xrmhc_[XTQOLJGECA?><:986543210/.-,+*))(''&%%$$##""!! 1 w,p,r,q,w,6 1 the red passage indicators, so that...% 1 oh*[i#"[i*]i: 1 kGwSK{O#|+=| 1 instruct H 1 instruct 1 face 1 bkq#p#w#T]o 1 and how the ball is also shown.% 1 and a Ball is indicated by this yellow symbol.%V 1 _________________YTPLHEB?=:864310.-+*)('&%$##"! 1 _5qhmV_h_VsgnW_f_X+ 1 _59nBP_j_TOfRX_f_XNeQY_e_Y 1 Z7Y=]4Z-</?. 1 XG@@@@@ 1 UJTLGNLIS). 1 Though this tower and ball are off thetop of the Radar Map - out of its range.% 1 This is your 'lives'indicator, showing the status of your Hedroid.%O 1 This is what you seethrough the window of your hedroid.% 1 This is what it looks like when the Hedroid is badly damaged.% 1 This clock is synchronised with the movement of the balls.% 1 These are towers.% 1 These are the trenches along whichthe balls and your Hedroid travel.% 1 These are Balls.%J 1 The towers sit on the walls on either side of the trenches% 1 OOOGOOOGGGOOOGOGGGOGOOGOOGGGGOOGOOOO 1 OOOGOONGGGONOGOGGGOGNNGOOGGGGOOGONOO 1 OGOOOIOBBBOIOFOBOAOBOBOOOBBBBBOGOOOO 1 Now we shall explain some of thetechniques that you might need to guide your Hedroid to the heart of the Gyron Arena.%First the basics: There are balls...% ...and there are towers. You will notice that the towers point in one of four directions.%Your Hedroid, shown above, hovers in the trench and may travel forwards, right or left and may, if slowed to a halt, turn around. It is armed with alaser beam weapon.%The massive balls roll ponderously along the trenches each more than a hundred times larger than your Hedroid.%As you can see, as they move towards you along a trench, theyleave no gap large enough for you to squeeze your Hedroid past%Unlike towers, you cannot in anyway affect a ball with your laser. Each ball has its own path which it follows relentlessly...%...and these paths may be of s 1 NONNOGOONNOGFFFNNNNNN 1 NOGNNNNOGOONNN 1 NNNNNNNBBFBNNFNNBFNFNNNNNFJNFFNFJNFN 1 NNNNNFNCCCFFNNNDNNN 1 NNNGGGGGGO 1 NNNDFFDNNNNDNNNDCCCDNNNNNDN 1 NNFNNNOOGOONOOGOONNN 1 NNFNNFNNFNNFNFF 1 NDNNNNNFFFFNNNFN 1 GGBBBBGFBBBBGFBBBBHNABBBNNAABBNNNOOO 1 First of all we shall explain the instruments on your control panel...%D 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFVVFFFFVVFFFFFFFF 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBBFFFFBBFFFFFFFF 1 E$F1G@HQIdJyK 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCC 1 BThis shows a HedroidIts colour changes from one zone to another.%| 1 AS@L<[SLRJ 1 @@@@@ "YO 1 ???????????????????????????????? 1 =;=;=;=;;=;=;=;==;;;;;=;;=;;;;;==;=;;;=;;=;;;=;==;=;=;=;;=;=;=;= 1 :NsO:1qG:2q 1 :1qw,w,w,w,w,w 1 :1qG:2q21qx22q!9Z 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 55/*328>=@;<BECMF!NGUPXNQXZV^Y[R_[^X 1 4y5d6Q7@819$: 1 3Towers are indicatedon the Radar Map by these yellow symbols...% 1 3See how the tower through the window is shown on the Radar Map...%m 1 33333333333333333333* 1 2_i!ai"3i!Ri"1iV 1 1This is the Radar Map. It shows the position of your Hedroid from above.% 1 ,,,,,N,F,V, 1 (pO,F,V,^,x 1 #you can see that here, there is no turning on your left, but...%, 1 #on your right there is a passage, since the indicator lies on the red band.% 1 #here you are in the middle of the trenchand...% 1 #here you are againstthe left-hand wall.%@ 1 #This indicator showsyour position on thefloor of the trench,so that...% 1 #These represent the position of your hedroid relative to...% 1 #And you can turn thecorner if you move your Hedroid to the right.% 1 "saver.obj" 1 "instruct" 1 "Load in program please" 1 "Load in picture please" 1 !Ri"3i!6i"1iV 1 Torus Ltd 1985%The Arena maze was designed for a play-off between the the qualifiers who solved Gyron Necropolis, and was intended to test their knowledge and skill and thus to determine the champ